Join Us

5W Bible Study


We will discuss the Where, When, Who, What, and Why of a Bible passage and How it can be applied to our lives to help us fulfill God’s Purpose for us. It’s an exciting journey of self-discovery! And feel free to bring a Friend.

NO Preparation 
Because of your schedule and responsibilities, you haven't been able to find the time for a 
regular Bible Study. The 5W Bible study requires no prep before the session.  

ONE Hour 

We meet at Noon on Mondays beginning 9/16 at The Hope Center in Plano and we're 

done by 1pm. 

FREE Lunch 

To make the most of your time we will provide a Box Lunch at No cost - just let us know you 
want one on Friday and we'll provide one. (Unless you don't show up then you owe us $10.) 


To Enroll, email Beth Howes  ([email protected]) or click on the Join Us button. 



50% Complete

Two Step

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