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UnLoved Bible Study by LifeMark Ministries

Have you ever felt unloved?

Maybe you've been betrayed by someone you trusted or hurt deeply by someone you loved.  Maybe you think you're unworthy of being loved because of your past mistakes. Perhaps you have even asked yourself, "Does God love me?"

The answer to that question is a resounding "YES!" God loves you, even if you do not feel His love at times.

This 6-week Bible Study takes a closer look at the story of Leah and Rachel  two sisters who struggled with feeling unloved by man and by God. As you progress through these lessons, you will be amazed by how God demonstrated His love for both women and you will find comfort and peace as you grow in the understanding that God loves YOU, too!

NOTE: Due to the current crisis, this study is available for a limited time for FREE.  All materials are available as pdf downloads as you progress through the study.  Invite your friends to join you "remotely" and discuss what you learn with each other via phone, email, text, etc.  It's a great way to stay active in God's Word while still maintaining "social distance."  Blessings to you all!