His House

Transform Your Life, Room by Room


How Do You Renovate Your Life?

You know, it’s easy to renovate something that is tangible — an antique car, a home, or a piece of furniture. But what about when it’s not tangible? How do you Renovate Your Life?

Life renovation begins first with spiritual renovation.  Lasting transformation begins with trusting Jesus as your personal Savior.  This belief is essential to spiritual renovation.  The second step is the renewing of the mind.  Romans 12:2 challenges us, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Do you ever wonder what plans God has for you?  Do you question your purpose on earth?  Change the way you think, and His plans for your life will unfold before you.  That is what His House is designed to do…transform your way of thinking by guiding you through what God has to say about a wide variety of real-life issues.

This study is ideal for people who need to study at their own pace or at unusual times...for the business traveler, the mom, the student -- really for anyone!  It will focus on tangible, practical principles based on God's Word that help you apply His truth in your life.  

Renovate your life.  Start your journey with us today!

How Does the Bible Study Work?

Here's what you can expect...

In the past the His House study was only offered as a year-long study, but we are excited to announce that His House is "going Condo!"  That's right, in addition to the year-long study, we're offering five packages of weekly studies grouped together by topic.

Each topic covers one week and includes downloadable homework as well as daily videos to help you understand what God's Word has to say about real-life issues.  Here are the package descriptions (individual topics listed below):

  • Package #1: Facing the "Tough Stuff" (13 weeks)
  • Package #2: Practicing the Practical (12 weeks)
  • Package #3: Building Spiritual Muscles (10 weeks)
  • Package #4: Facing Family Issues (6 weeks)
  • Package #5: Engaging the Community (4 weeks)
  • Entire Program (45 weeks total)

PLUS, regardless of which package you choose, you will receive an added bonus: a FREE 5-week Foundational Course that covers the essentials of the faith!  This section is critical to building a "solid house" so we strongly recommend you start here.

Contact our office to register for any of these packages for $15 each or $50 for the entire 50-week study (this is only $1 for each weekly lesson -- a GREAT deal!). Send us an email at [email protected] or call our office at 972-619-5434. We look forward to hearing from you!

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