Mondays with Mark - Everyone Believes

faith salvation Dec 11, 2024

This devotional challenges us to reflect on what we place our faith in. A recent study revealed that over 50% of incoming college freshmen identified as having no religious affiliation, a statistic that is both concerning and an opportunity to share the gospel with the next generation.

The question, "What do you believe in?" is at the heart of life’s decisions. Whether it's belief in money, fame, power, or even in oneself, these earthly pursuits cannot provide the true security and guidance we need. True faith, according to the Bible, must be in God and His Word. Acts 3:16 reminds us, "By faith in the name of Jesus... it is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him."

Belief and faith are essential, as they are mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. The question for us all is: who or what are we truly placing our faith in? The answer, rooted in scripture, is to place your trust fully in Jesus Christ, for He is the only one who can provide strength, purpose, and eternal life.

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