Mondays with Mark - Favorite Verses


Do you have a favorite verse? Listen as Mark shares his favorite verses.

Rom 3:23      For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Rom 1:20      For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities—his eternal power and                       divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been                                          made, so that people are without excuse.

Rom 6:23      For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our...

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Mondays with Mark - Influence


Influencers are used in so many ways. Are you aware of the influencers in your life? Which influencers do you listen to? Listen to today's devotional and reflect on your life.

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Mondays with Mark - AI

bible god relationship Sep 30, 2024


Do you know what AI starts for? Watch today's video for new clarity on AI.

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Mondays with Mark - Cars



For some cars are a passion. What is your passion? How much time do you spend on your passion? Listen as Mark shares his passion from youth and the wisdom he has gained.

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Mondays with Mark - The Goat


Who would you pick as the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) spiritually speaking? Watch the video to see if you picked the same Goat.

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Mondays with Mark - Prayer Starters #2


Mark continues this week with another four prayer starters. If you would like the two-page document Mark mentioned, please email [email protected].

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Mondays with Mark - Prayer Starters #1

bible holy spirit prayer Jul 01, 2024

I've noticed that as my parents got older, they would often repeat the same stories. In my head, I found myself telling the stories along with them. This made me reflect on my own prayers. Do I repeat my prayers? In this video, Mark offers four different ways to pray. I'm going to try at least one new way this week.

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Mondays with Mark - Verses To Live By


Mark will make a suggestion for your summer book reading. Listen to his recommendation and if you choose to read the book, send him an email with your comments. [email protected]

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Mondays with Mark - Good News


When the service man says he has good news and bad news. Which one do you like to hear first? Mark gives us some bad news and some really bad news today. Stick with Mark to the end for the best news ever.

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Mondays with Mark - Are You Ready?


Mark is big on being prepared. It's easier to react to a situation when you have done work in advance to prepare yourself. What do you need to be prepared for? Why do you need to be ready? Click on the video above to learn more.

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