Mondays with Mark - New Year's Resolutions


This time of year, people often make plans and set resolutions for the new year. In today's episode, we are joined by a friend of the ministry, Tony Pitaniello, who encourages us to make a lasting change instead! Click on the video above to learn more and have a Happy New Year!

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Mondays with Mark - Who Is Jesus?


As we turn our focus in this holiday season to the Son of God, it is a good time to ask yourself, "Who is Jesus?" Your answer to that question changes everything! 

In today's episode, Mark shares a college assignment his granddaughter received recently and encourages each of us to answer the "Who is Jesus" question ourselves. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Giving Life


Have you heard of a gentleman named James Harrison? He is credited with saving an estimated 2.5 million babies! Learn more about him in today's episode! 

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Mondays with Mark - Social conformity


Social conformity has grown more in recent years, in part due to non-stop influence through television and social media. There can be both good and bad outcomes to influencing society -- it all depends on what or who the influencer is.  In today's episode, Mark considers the need for spiritual unity in a society that is pushing social conformity. Learn more in the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Saved Date

evangelism prayer salvation Aug 22, 2021

Did you check the "Sell By" date on the milk carton this morning? Or perhaps the "Best if Used By" date on the bread as you fixed your lunch? 

More importantly, do you have a "Saved" Date? Learn more in today's episode by watching the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Baton of Faith


Did you watch any of the Olympics this summer? Mark enjoys watching them and had a few thoughts to share in today's episode about the relay races. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Grow Your Faith


Any strong business understands the importance of having a plan to grow. It requires time and intentionality -- it's "Business 101."

In today's episode, Mark considers how we should apply that same time, attention, and focus on a plan to grow our faith, too. To learn more, click on the video above. 

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Mondays with Mark - A Clear Conscience


Do you have a clear conscience? If not, do you want one? ;) In today's episode, Mark talks about how believers can live with a clear conscience. Click the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Salvation Math


How long would it take to reach the world with the gospel if each believer told just ONE person who then told one person, and so on?  You might be surprised!  

Learn more in today's episodes of Mondays with Mark and be inspired to share the gospel with those around you this week!



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Mondays with Mark - Spiritual Belts


Do you know where you are on your spiritual growth journey? How can you tell when you make progress? 

In today's episode, Mark considers a "spiritual belts" illustration to help us press on in our growth to be more like Jesus and to fulfill His calling to us in the Great Commission.  Learn more in the video below!



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