Mondays with Mark - Angels

gratitude perspective Feb 13, 2023

Have you ever seen an angel? Have you sensed their presence? Do you know what the Bible tells us about angels? In today's episode, Mark gives some truths about angels from God's Word and then shares a meaningful personal experience. To learn more, click on the video above.

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Mondays with Mark - When evil makes progress

perspective values Feb 06, 2023

When you look around you, you will see signs of evil making progress in multiple areas of our nation. In today's episode, Mark shares five steps in the downfall of a society and then challenges us to make a difference by overcoming evil with good!  Click the video above to learn more! 

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Mondays with Mark - Happiness

obedience perspective Jan 29, 2023

How happy are you? Would you like to be happier? In today's episode, Mark shares five key takeaways from a TED Talk by Robert Waldinger about happiness.  Click on the video above to learn more!  Also, if you'd like to listen to the TED Talk, you can click on the link below:


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Mondays with Mark - Radio Garden

perspective Jan 23, 2023

Our choices and habits greatly impact our quality of life and even our testimony. Yet, it can be difficult sometimes to avoid falling into old habits, can't it?  

In today's episode, Mark encourages us to be intentional about the choices we make and shares about an app he found that might help called "Radio Garden." Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Morning Routine


Do you have a consistent morning routine? In today's episode, Mark encourages each of us to establish one in order to accomplish our goals and avoid wasting time on things that don't really matter. Click on the video above to learn more.

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Mondays with Mark - 55 Years Ago


Although life can be unpredictable, God is always faithful. Fifty-five years ago, something significant and wonderful occurred in Mark's life. In today's episode, he shares more about that day and the lessons he has learned over the last fifty-five years. Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - A New You

perspective values Sep 26, 2022

Although our past is set, we CAN determine our future. You can become a "new you" if you want to -- learn how in today's episode by clicking on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Rights vs. Responsibilities

perspective Sep 11, 2022

You hear a lot of discussion these days around "rights" in our nation, but you don't hear much about "responsibilities." Indeed, we've been blessed to be given great freedom that came at a high cost, but we have the responsibility to protect and maintain our rights. To learn more, click on the video above.

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Mondays with Mark - Major Events Timeline


Have you ever written down the major events in your lifetime? You might discover some interesting connections and be challenged to spend your remaining time wisely! In today's episode, Mark shares with you his "major events timeline" and how it has impacted him. Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Your Identity


As Americans, we often find our "identity" in a number of different things. But as Christians, we know that what really matters is that our identity is found in Christ.  To learn more, click on the video above.

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