Mondays with Mark - Only 1 Way


According to a recent study by Probe Ministries, 63% of born-again Christians believe that Mohammed, Buddha, and Jesus ALL represent valid ways to heaven! It's a shocking statistic that should get our attention and affect how we reach others with the gospel message.

In today's episode, Mark provides some scriptural support for why Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. To learn more, click on the video above.

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Mondays with Mark - Word Choice


How do you choose your words? Do you choose short words so people are more likely to understand what you are saying? Or do you choose long, complicated words that make you sound smart? There is great power in words, so you need to choose your words wisely!

In today's episode, Mark gives a few examples of some VERY long words and then considers the power behind a series of very short, simple words. To learn more, click on the image above!

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Mondays with Mark - New Year's Resolutions


This time of year, people often make plans and set resolutions for the new year. In today's episode, we are joined by a friend of the ministry, Tony Pitaniello, who encourages us to make a lasting change instead! Click on the video above to learn more and have a Happy New Year!

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Mondays with Mark - Amazed


God's creation truly is amazing! In today's episode, Mark reflects on some aspects that amaze him and encourages us to respond with humbled hearts to our Creator.  Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Who Is Jesus?


As we turn our focus in this holiday season to the Son of God, it is a good time to ask yourself, "Who is Jesus?" Your answer to that question changes everything! 

In today's episode, Mark shares a college assignment his granddaughter received recently and encourages each of us to answer the "Who is Jesus" question ourselves. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Top 10 Lists


"Top 10" lists are very popular, especially this time of year.  You'll see lists for the "Top 10 presents your child wants" or the "Top 10 cookies to bake" or even the "Top 10 Christmas songs."  In today's episode, Mark talks about some ideas for "Top 10" lists that aren't very popular but should be a priority in our life. Click on the video above to learn more! 

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Mondays with Mark - Giving Life


Have you heard of a gentleman named James Harrison? He is credited with saving an estimated 2.5 million babies! Learn more about him in today's episode! 

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Mondays with Mark - What do you prize?


When you think about where you spend the most time and money, what does it say about your priorities? What do you "prize" above everything else?

In today's episode, Mark considers these questions and challenges each of us to evaluate our priorities and make whatever changes we need to make in order to pursue what really matters.  Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Saved Date

evangelism prayer salvation Aug 22, 2021

Did you check the "Sell By" date on the milk carton this morning? Or perhaps the "Best if Used By" date on the bread as you fixed your lunch? 

More importantly, do you have a "Saved" Date? Learn more in today's episode by watching the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Baton of Faith


Did you watch any of the Olympics this summer? Mark enjoys watching them and had a few thoughts to share in today's episode about the relay races. To learn more, click on the video above!

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