Mondays with Mark - Frozen Blackout


How did you "weather" the recent winter storm? Did you learn any lessons (practical, relational, spiritual, etc)? In today's episode, Mark shares something that he learned as well as how we can apply it in our lives. Watch the video below to learn more!



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Mondays with Mark - Whisper

god jesus prayer wisdom Feb 21, 2021

In a society that is constantly bombarding us with noise, messaging, and distractions, it can be easy to miss God's whispers.  We must be intentional to reduce the noise in our life so we can more clearly hear Him.  Click the video below to learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark. 



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Mondays with Mark - Can We Talk?

faith god jesus prayer trust Feb 07, 2021

As you know, God uses trials, tribulations, and suffering to draw us closer to Him. That is one great thing that has come from the challenges this past year -- they have driven us to a greater dependence on God to help us persevere! They have also pushed us to have more frequent and deeper conversations with God.

In this week's episode, Mark expounds on our prayer life during difficult times. To learn more, watch the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - Back to normal

As time passes, more and more people are saying they are "tired" of the changes brought by Covid-19 and just want things to get "back to normal." But what does that even look like? And more specifically, what does it look like for a believer? Learn more in today's episode below!

Mondays with Mark 10-5-2020 Back to Normal from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - You're Invited!

At the beginning of a school year, kids have a lot of questions about their upcoming year: Who will be their teacher? Will their friends be in the same class? Where will they sit at lunchtime? Find out how this last question relates to each of us by watching the episode below!

Mondays with Mark - You're Invited from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Irresistible

What is irresistible to you? In today's episode, Mark considers what made Jesus irresistible to many and how we can have a more effective impact on others.  Learn more by watching the video below!

Mondays with Mark - Irresistible from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Going Mobile

Mark had an interesting experience with a car service recently that led to an unexpected spiritual lesson -- learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!

Mondays with Mark 7-20-2020 Going Mobile from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Sign on the Cross

faith jesus Jul 05, 2020

Sometimes children say things that are beyond their years and they don't even realize it. When that happens, their remark has a way of sticking with us, doesn't it.

This happened to Mark a couple of months ago when his granddaughter commented about the sign on Jesus' cross. Learn more about the story and how Mark applied it in his own life in the video below.

Mondays with Mark 7-6-2020 Sign on the Cross from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Independence Day

america holidays jesus values Jun 28, 2020

This Saturday, our nation will celebrate the anniversary of our independence. Although many public celebrations and gatherings have been cancelled, it is so important to commemorate this special day and spend some time reflecting on the history of our great nation and praying for her future. Learn more about this in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below.

Mondays with Mark 6-28-2020 Independence Day from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Lessons Learned During Covid19

There are many lessons to be learned from the last several months -- lessons we weren't expecting when we began the new year back in January! In today's episode, Mark gives his viewpoint on some of these lessons and encourages us all to focus on one main takeaway.  Watch the video below to learn more!

Mondays with Mark 6-15-2020 Covid19 Lessons from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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