Mondays with Mark - Perspective Adjustment

god perspective May 30, 2022

Do you ever have difficulty keeping perspective? Do you struggle in your limited understanding of Almighty God? In today's episode, Mark gives some tips for how to adjust your perspective by considering just how BIG God is. To learn more, click on the video above.

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Mondays with Mark - Sunday Clothes

church perspective May 01, 2022

Do you have "Sunday clothes" that you wear only to church? In today's episode, Mark shares some about his experience as a child and challenges us to consider attending church on Sunday as a "special occasion" as we congregate with others to worship the Lord each week!  To learn more, click on the video above.

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Mondays with Mark - Social Perspective

perspective purpose wisdom Mar 14, 2022

What does it mean to be "social"? In a culture that is too-often focused on digital connections, have we as a society lost the ability to genuinely connect with one another?

In today's episode, Mark shares a video he came across that has a powerful perspective on our social connections in life. To learn more, click on the video above.

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Mondays with Mark - Labels


Labels have become incredibly common in today's society. Sometimes they are helpful, but often times, they reveal a certain prejudice or favoritism. In today's episode, Mark considers the potential damage of labels and challenges you to identify the most important label in your life. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Misnomers


In today's episode, Mark gives several examples of "Misnomers" and then discusses a really important one that is impacting the church today. Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Word Choice


How do you choose your words? Do you choose short words so people are more likely to understand what you are saying? Or do you choose long, complicated words that make you sound smart? There is great power in words, so you need to choose your words wisely!

In today's episode, Mark gives a few examples of some VERY long words and then considers the power behind a series of very short, simple words. To learn more, click on the image above!

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Mondays with Mark - Amazed


God's creation truly is amazing! In today's episode, Mark reflects on some aspects that amaze him and encourages us to respond with humbled hearts to our Creator.  Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Social conformity


Social conformity has grown more in recent years, in part due to non-stop influence through television and social media. There can be both good and bad outcomes to influencing society -- it all depends on what or who the influencer is.  In today's episode, Mark considers the need for spiritual unity in a society that is pushing social conformity. Learn more in the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - The Long Run


In a society that thrives on "instant gratification," it can be difficult to keep a long-term perspective. In today's episode, Mark looks at the example of Asaph (found in Psalm 73) and draws encouragement to press on and keep our eyes on the eternal prize that awaits believers! To learn more, click on the video above.

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Mondays with Mark - What message does your body language send?


Body language can send very powerful messages -- whether we intend it to or not! In today's episode, Mark discusses the importance of body language and challenges us to consider the message we send! Click on the video above to learn more!

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