Mondays with Mark - Pure Religion


Memorizing God's Word is such an important thing to do. As the Psalmist said, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11, NIV).

Sometimes we memorize a verse but don't realize we're only memorizing a portion of it.  In today's episode, Mark considers one such verse and what we can learn from the lesser-known portion. Click on the video below to learn more!



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Mondays with Mark - Ministry of Hope


After a difficult year, many people are running short on hope. You see it on the news and hear it on social media. You might even be experiencing a shortage of hope yourself! But as believers, our hope is secure because it's found in Jesus Christ.

Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below and be encouraged to begin your own ministry of hope this week -- what a perfect way to celebrate Thanksgiving by sharing your source of hope with others!



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Mondays with Mark - What is Worship?


When you hear the word "worship," what do you think of?  For most believers, they think of the praise music they listen to at church or in their car. But is that how the Bible describes worship? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - Faith Maturity


What does it mean to be a "man of God" or "woman of God"? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark and be challenged to grow in your faith maturity!


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Mondays with Mark - Holy, Holy, Holy

When was the last time you were overwhelmed by the holiness of God? In today's episode, Mark considers the vision that Isaiah had and how it impacted him. Be challenged and encouraged to say in response to God's mercy and grace in your life, "Here am I, send me" just like Isaiah did.

Mondays with Mark - Holy Holy Holy from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Who or What is the Source of Your "Help"?

The "self-help" industry is booming!  There are thousands of books, online courses, conferences, and programs to help you become happier, healthier, more successful, thinner, etc.  One thing they all have in common?  They require YOU to have the power to accomplish their promises.

But as we all know, we can't do the Christian life on our own...we need help!  In today's special episode of Mondays with Mark, we'll discuss the help that God provides and then Mark will share briefly about our new Bible Study that begins THIS week!  We hope you will join us, either in person or remotely!

Fire Up - MS Promo - self help from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Who Do You Represent?

We all represent someone or something -- perhaps a parent or a spouse, perhaps a group or a club, or perhaps an employer.  As believers, one thing we all have in common is that we represent God to those around us!

In today's episode, Mark's daughter, Kristie Lipper, challenges us to consider just WHO we represent and HOW we represent Him. 

MwM - Representing - Kristie from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Promises, Promises

Do you ever make promises to people? ...or to yourself? ...or to God?  And if you DO make a promise, are you careful and intentional to keep it?

In today's episode, Mark talks about the importance of keeping our promises and what we can learn from a woman named Hannah.

Mondays with Mark - Promises, Promises from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Groundhog Day

faith jesus obedience Jan 29, 2018

Groundhog Day is coming up soon -- what do you think:  Will Phil see his shadow or not?  People these days are always looking for a "sign" -- but it was no different in Jesus' days.  In today's episode, Mark talks about how Jesus responded to the Pharisees who asked for a sign. 


Mondays with Mark - 1-29-2018 Groundhog Day from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Shadows

Sometimes we block Jesus' light in our lives in an effort to keep our sin in the shadows, but God desires to shine His light IN and THROUGH us. Learn more in today's episode...


Mondays with Mark - 09-11-2017 Shadows from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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