Mondays with Mark - What do you prize?


When you think about where you spend the most time and money, what does it say about your priorities? What do you "prize" above everything else?

In today's episode, Mark considers these questions and challenges each of us to evaluate our priorities and make whatever changes we need to make in order to pursue what really matters.  Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - The Value of Preparation


Have you ever noticed how long it takes to prepare to paint something? People often complain about the tedious preparation required before they can actually start the painting process.  The same is true for numerous professions -- the preparation is critical!

In today's episode, Mark considers how this relates to the Christian walk.  To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Have Some Fun!


Has it been a while since you just had some fun? In these strange times in which we live, it's important to let go of the anxiety & stress and just enjoy life! In today's episode, Mark encourages each of us to learn from Solomon -- the wisest man who ever lived! Learn more by clicking on the video...



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Mondays with Mark - Favoritism


Favoritism was an issue in Biblical times as addressed by James in chapter two of his letter. Unfortunately, it is a big issue in today's culture as well. But what can we do to change that? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - Anything but Casual


Even as our society has grown more and more casual over time, there's one thing we simply cannot afford to be casual about...Mark explains more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - 2021 Restart


Do you find yourself in need of a "restart" this year?  Perhaps you need to re-evaluate your goals or consider setting new ones -- it's not too late to make 2021 your best year ever!  Watch the video below to learn more and then click here to download the worksheet Mark mentions to help you get a "jump start" on your restart!



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Mondays with Mark - Frozen Blackout


How did you "weather" the recent winter storm? Did you learn any lessons (practical, relational, spiritual, etc)? In today's episode, Mark shares something that he learned as well as how we can apply it in our lives. Watch the video below to learn more!



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Mondays with Mark - North Star


Are you familiar with the "North Star"? It has been used as a navigation tool for generations -- helping sailors, hikers, and anyone who is lost to find their way.

In today's episode, Mark examines Psalm 119:105-106 where David talks about a different type of "North Star" that guided his path. Learn more in the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - America's Spiritual Heritage

america bible perspective Jan 18, 2021

How well do you know the spiritual heritage of America? You might be surprised just how important a role the Bible played in our nation's history! Click on the video below to learn more.



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Mondays with Mark - Where's your focus?

god perspective Jan 03, 2021

There have been a lot of things this past year that were beyond our control -- you can probably name several without even really thinking about it! 

But one thing we CAN control is where we place our focus.

In today's episode, Mark considers how our perspective affects our attitude and how we can choose where we focus in 2021. Click the video below to learn more!  



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