Mondays with Mark - He is Risen!

faith holidays Apr 09, 2023

He is RISEN -- and that changes everything!

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Mondays with Mark - No Higher Calling

faith Mar 19, 2023

 In today's episode, Mark encourages us to reflect on how God calls us to Him by faith in Jesus -- there truly is no higher calling! Click the video above to learn more and then click the link below to enjoy the song, "No Higher Calling."


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Mondays with Mark - Your ID

faith religious Oct 23, 2022

These days, it is not uncommon for some people to "self-identify" as whatever or whoever they want to be. Sometimes it's based on truth, and other times it's not. So what does it mean to "identify" as a Christian? To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Real Christians


What does it mean to be a "real" Christian? In today's episode, Mark considers four types of Christians and which one you want to be. To learn more, click on the video above! 

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Mondays with Mark - Change


Do you struggle with change? Do you find yourself stuck in the past or consumed by the future? In today's episode, Mark encourages us to live in the present in order to best adapt to change. Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Abide

abiding faith jesus salvation Apr 17, 2022

As we await the return of Jesus, we have the pleasure of abiding in Him...but what does that really mean? What does the life of a person who abides in Christ look like? In today's episode, Mark addresses these questions and others -- simply watch the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Anarchy

bible faith god sin values wisdom Mar 07, 2022

There seems to be chaos and suffering every where you turn these days, both in American and throughout the world. In today's episode, Mark considers the reasons for this and encourages us to stand for God's truth. Click on the video above to learn more.

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Mondays with Mark - Labels


Labels have become incredibly common in today's society. Sometimes they are helpful, but often times, they reveal a certain prejudice or favoritism. In today's episode, Mark considers the potential damage of labels and challenges you to identify the most important label in your life. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Fragility of Freedom


Presidents' Day is a national holiday for Americans to honor those who have served our nation at the highest level. On this Presidents' Day, Mark shares a special message on the fragility of freedom. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Parable of the 4 Soils


Jesus often taught using parables, and one of Mark's favorites is the parable of the four soils found in Luke 8:5-8. In today's episode, Mark encourages us to heed the warnings found in this parable and to be intentional about what is the focus of our lives. Click on the video above to learn more!

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