Mondays with Mark - Baton of Faith


Did you watch any of the Olympics this summer? Mark enjoys watching them and had a few thoughts to share in today's episode about the relay races. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - A Clear Conscience


Do you have a clear conscience? If not, do you want one? ;) In today's episode, Mark talks about how believers can live with a clear conscience. Click the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Who You Are

faith jesus obedience Jun 13, 2021

What determines your self-image? What about your personal "faith image" - where is that found? In today's episode of Mondays with Mark, we look at the life of Peter and how his "faith image" was strong, even though he had numerous faith failures in his past. Learn more by watching the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - Control


Sometimes it feels like things are out-of-control, doesn't it? It might be a difficult situation at work, in your family, or in society, but regardless of the setting, it can leave you frustrated and even angry.

In today's episode, Mark talks about what the Bible says we CAN learn more, click on the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - Choices


We have a lot of choices in our country, but that doesn't mean they are all good choices.  In today's episode, Mark challenges each of us to choose wisely! Click below to learn more...



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Mondays with Mark - All You Need Is Love


"Love" is a word that is often casually spoken and even misused.  We "love" our family, but we also "love" ice cream -- obviously not the same meaning. What is love and why does it matter? 

In today's episode, Mark looks at the famous song "All You Need Is Love" and considers what we REALLY learn more, watch the video below!


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Mondays with Mark - Anything but Casual


Even as our society has grown more and more casual over time, there's one thing we simply cannot afford to be casual about...Mark explains more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - The Privilege of Prayer


Too often we lose sight of what a privilege it is to come before a holy God in prayer. It can be easy to fall into habitual prayers or to simply make a list of all your requests. But there is so much more to a deep and satisfying prayer life!

In today's episode, Mark gives some tips for how you can reinvigorate your prayer life -- just watch the video below to learn more!



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Mondays with Mark - Spiritual Belts


Do you know where you are on your spiritual growth journey? How can you tell when you make progress? 

In today's episode, Mark considers a "spiritual belts" illustration to help us press on in our growth to be more like Jesus and to fulfill His calling to us in the Great Commission.  Learn more in the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - North Star


Are you familiar with the "North Star"? It has been used as a navigation tool for generations -- helping sailors, hikers, and anyone who is lost to find their way.

In today's episode, Mark examines Psalm 119:105-106 where David talks about a different type of "North Star" that guided his path. Learn more in the video below!



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