Mondays with Mark - A Clear Conscience


Do you have a clear conscience? If not, do you want one? ;) In today's episode, Mark talks about how believers can live with a clear conscience. Click the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Be Like Mike

salvation Jun 20, 2021

Have you seen the video of little Jordan getting baptized? If not, you can click here to watch it on YouTube -- it's a must-see! 

But beyond the smile it is sure to bring to your face, there are some spiritual lessons to learn as well. In today's episode, Mark considers some of these lessons and encourages us all to live the Christian life with that same excitement and joy!  



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Mondays with Mark - Grace

grace salvation sin Jun 06, 2021

God's grace and mercy are both amazing gifts to us, but did you know they are different? What does it look like to FULLY embrace His grace in your life? In today's episode, Mark considers the grace God gives us and challenges us to be more intentional to take full advantage of His gift! 



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Mondays with Mark - 2021 Restart


Do you find yourself in need of a "restart" this year?  Perhaps you need to re-evaluate your goals or consider setting new ones -- it's not too late to make 2021 your best year ever!  Watch the video below to learn more and then click here to download the worksheet Mark mentions to help you get a "jump start" on your restart!



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Mondays with Mark - Salvation Math


How long would it take to reach the world with the gospel if each believer told just ONE person who then told one person, and so on?  You might be surprised!  

Learn more in today's episodes of Mondays with Mark and be inspired to share the gospel with those around you this week!



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Mondays with Mark - Frozen Blackout


How did you "weather" the recent winter storm? Did you learn any lessons (practical, relational, spiritual, etc)? In today's episode, Mark shares something that he learned as well as how we can apply it in our lives. Watch the video below to learn more!



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Mondays with Mark - Spiritual Belts


Do you know where you are on your spiritual growth journey? How can you tell when you make progress? 

In today's episode, Mark considers a "spiritual belts" illustration to help us press on in our growth to be more like Jesus and to fulfill His calling to us in the Great Commission.  Learn more in the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - You're Invited!

At the beginning of a school year, kids have a lot of questions about their upcoming year: Who will be their teacher? Will their friends be in the same class? Where will they sit at lunchtime? Find out how this last question relates to each of us by watching the episode below!

Mondays with Mark - You're Invited from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Lessons Learned During Covid19

There are many lessons to be learned from the last several months -- lessons we weren't expecting when we began the new year back in January! In today's episode, Mark gives his viewpoint on some of these lessons and encourages us all to focus on one main takeaway.  Watch the video below to learn more!

Mondays with Mark 6-15-2020 Covid19 Lessons from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - God's Goodness

faith god salvation Jun 07, 2020

The word "good" is sometimes watered down in our culture...and in our faith, too. Click on the video below to learn more about God's GREAT goodness and how we can demonstrate it through our words and actions. 

After you've watched the video, we encourage you to look up some of these verses and ponder His goodness and how we can grow in goodness to better reflect Him:
Psalm 34:8
Psalm 100
Psalm 145:5-9
Nahum 1:7
Romans 8:28
Ephesians 2:10
1 Peter 2:3
2 Peter 1:3

Mondays with Mark 6-8-2020 God's Goodness from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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