According to a recent study by Probe Ministries, 63% of born-again Christians believe that Mohammed, Buddha, and Jesus ALL represent valid ways to heaven! It's a shocking statistic that should get our attention and affect how we reach others with the gospel message.
In today's episode, Mark provides some scriptural support for why Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. To learn more, click on the video above.
In today's episode, Mark gives several examples of "Misnomers" and then discusses a really important one that is impacting the church today. Click on the video above to learn more!
In a society that thrives on "instant gratification," it can be difficult to keep a long-term perspective. In today's episode, Mark looks at the example of Asaph (found in Psalm 73) and draws encouragement to press on and keep our eyes on the eternal prize that awaits believers! To learn more, click on the video above.
Having a firm foundation is important in life in general, but it is critical in your spiritual life! In today's episode, Mark discusses this and considers the lyrics of the hymn, "How Firm a Foundation" (click here to listen to the hymn). To learn more, click on the image above!
"Love" is a word that is often casually spoken and even misused. We "love" our family, but we also "love" ice cream -- obviously not the same meaning. What is love and why does it matter?
In today's episode, Mark looks at the famous song "All You Need Is Love" and considers what we REALLY learn more, watch the video below!
Are you familiar with the "North Star"? It has been used as a navigation tool for generations -- helping sailors, hikers, and anyone who is lost to find their way.
In today's episode, Mark examines Psalm 119:105-106 where David talks about a different type of "North Star" that guided his path. Learn more in the video below!
How well do you know the spiritual heritage of America? You might be surprised just how important a role the Bible played in our nation's history! Click on the video below to learn more.
You've probably heard the term "compound interest" -- it's when you reinvest the interest you earn, thus compounding your return. The term is frequently used in the financial world, but there are actually other applications of the concept as well.
In today's episode, Mark considers a different type of compound interest -- one that truly COUNTS! Click on the video below to learn more!
Do you have a role model you aspire to emulate? In today's episode of Mondays with Mark, Mark considers this question and shares about one of his role models. Learn more by watching the video below!
America is in the midst of a huge "truth crisis" -- people don't know who they can trust. What is "truth" anymore? Can there be conflicting truths? How can we filter what we hear to discern THE truth? Mark addresses these questions and more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below.
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