Mondays with Mark - Faith in America

america faith May 23, 2021

When you look around and see the attacks on faith in America, it's easy to grow discouraged. In today's episode, Mark addresses this issue and invites you to join us for a summer series titled, Faith in America, with some excellent speakers -- you do not want to miss this!  And if you live remotely, you can watch the recorded sessions on our website afterwards.  To learn more, simply click on the video below and then CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

NOTE: The first 100 people* to register will receive a FREE copy of the excellent hardback book, "100 Bible Verses that Made America" by Robert J. Morgan. 



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Mondays with Mark - How BIG is your God?

faith god Apr 04, 2021

As you begin a new week with Easter fresh on your mind, consider the question, "How BIG is your God?" Learn more in the episode below!



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Mondays with Mark - Frozen Blackout


How did you "weather" the recent winter storm? Did you learn any lessons (practical, relational, spiritual, etc)? In today's episode, Mark shares something that he learned as well as how we can apply it in our lives. Watch the video below to learn more!



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Mondays with Mark - The Privilege of Prayer


Too often we lose sight of what a privilege it is to come before a holy God in prayer. It can be easy to fall into habitual prayers or to simply make a list of all your requests. But there is so much more to a deep and satisfying prayer life!

In today's episode, Mark gives some tips for how you can reinvigorate your prayer life -- just watch the video below to learn more!



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Mondays with Mark - Can We Talk?

faith god jesus prayer trust Feb 07, 2021

As you know, God uses trials, tribulations, and suffering to draw us closer to Him. That is one great thing that has come from the challenges this past year -- they have driven us to a greater dependence on God to help us persevere! They have also pushed us to have more frequent and deeper conversations with God.

In this week's episode, Mark expounds on our prayer life during difficult times. To learn more, watch the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - North Star


Are you familiar with the "North Star"? It has been used as a navigation tool for generations -- helping sailors, hikers, and anyone who is lost to find their way.

In today's episode, Mark examines Psalm 119:105-106 where David talks about a different type of "North Star" that guided his path. Learn more in the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - A Role Model


Do you have a role model you aspire to emulate? In today's episode of Mondays with Mark, Mark considers this question and shares about one of his role models. Learn more by watching the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - A Man Named Terrance


Have you ever met someone whose love for the Lord and love for life was contagious?  ...the type of person who smiles ALL the time?  About a year ago, Mark and Marty met a man named Terrance who fit that description perfectly.  Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below.



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Mondays with Mark - The Purpose of the Church


What are some of the reasons why you attend the church you attend? Are you growing there? What is the purpose of the church? These are some of the many questions we should be asking ourselves...are you? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - You're Invited!

At the beginning of a school year, kids have a lot of questions about their upcoming year: Who will be their teacher? Will their friends be in the same class? Where will they sit at lunchtime? Find out how this last question relates to each of us by watching the episode below!

Mondays with Mark - You're Invited from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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