Mondays with Mark - Living in Bondage

In our "Dive In!" Bible study this year, we've learned numerous lessons from the nation of Israel throughout the Old Testament.  In today's episode, Mark considers how we can apply one of these lessons in our own life and what difference it can make. 

Who's YOUR Master?

Mondays with Mark - Living in Bondage from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Do you have plans for Leap Day?

bible perspective Feb 23, 2020

Did you know that this Saturday is Leap Day?  Do you have plans already set or will you spend the day relaxing or perhaps catching up on your to-do list?  Is it really a "bonus" day?  In today's episode Mark considers what the Bible has to say about our days -- just click on the video below to learn more!

Mondays with Mark 2-24-2020 Leap Day from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Just OK?

bible god jesus service Feb 09, 2020

Have you seen the commercial series themed around someone being "just OK"? They are hilarious! In today's episode, Mark considers another "position" where being just OK is not OK.  Click the video below to learn more!

Mondays with Mark - Just OK from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - The Bell Curve of Life

For most of us, our physical life is the shape of a bell curve.  But what about our spiritual it different?  Click below to learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark.

Mondays with Mark - The Bell Curve of Life from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - The Goodness of God

What's on your Christmas list this year? In today's episode, Mark considers the request Moses made of God and what we can learn from God's response.  Click the video below to learn more! 

Mondays with Mark - God's Goodness from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - What Bible Do You Use?

bible perspective Dec 01, 2019

Mark often gets the question, "What Bible do you use when you study?"  In today's lesson, he addresses this question and gives a few recommendations you may find useful as you're making your Christmas list!  Watch the video below to learn more...

Mondays with Mark 12-2-2019 Bible Recommendations from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Do you "speak tech"?

Have you ever tried to help someone with a technology problem who doesn't "speak tech"?  It requires patience and creativity, doesn't it?  Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below:

Mondays with Mark - Speak the Language from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Is everyone a child of God?

bible jesus salvation truth Aug 04, 2019

Sometimes you hear people say that we are all children of God, but is that a true statement?  Learn more in today's episode!

Mondays with Mark 8-5-2019 Child of God from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark -- Does the Bible have "fine print"?

bible gratitude truth Jul 22, 2019

A lot of businesses these days have "fine print" -- but is there any in the Bible?  Learn more in today's episode below!

Fine Print from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Does God ever forget?

bible prayer salvation sin Jul 07, 2019

Have you ever wandered, "Has God forgotten about me?" -- it's a natural question to ask, especially when you have a prayer request that goes on for years.  In today's episode, Mark considers this question as well as the related question, "Is there anything that God forgets?"

Does God ever forget? from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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